Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year is coming

What:    First FCPS group meeting of 2016
When:   Saturday, January 9th, 2016, 10:00 to 12:00 noon
Where: Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach

Yup, almost time for a new year to roll around as the First Coast Pastel Society gets ready to celebrate our fourth anniversary. I hope we get a good turnout as we have a very exciting demo scheduled for the meeting. As Karen Rose told those of us on Facebook:
Kick start 2016 with the next meeting of the First Coast Pastel society Saturday Jan 9th at the Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach. A representative from Multimedia Art Board will be giving a presentation. Know someone who'd love to join the group bring them along.
And Lyn reminded us:
Also, bring some pastels with you so you can try the boards
It should be a good meeting and I hope to see you all there. Note the date, January 9th. I had January 2nd on my calendar right up to the moment I went to write this blog post. I would have been in Ponte Vedra all alone! Don't be the one there all alone. Mark your calendars!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Our exciting project

Remember Lyn's words from before our December meeting:
Girault Pastel painting:  Michele Aplin, the rep from Girault pastels, sent us a good-sized box of random pastel pieces.  We'll start a painting, from a photo reference, that we can finish up during the next few meetings and then auction off to help fund some new items for our growing library.
Well we started the painting at our December meeting. In between socializing, and painting the Christmas Cake, members were encouraged to come add some marks to the painting, based on the reference. Lyn got the painting off to a great start!

A few members here had begun to add some of their own interpretations to the scene.

By the end of the meeting the painting looked like this. I guess it has a ways to go before we can auction it off! But what a cool project. I think everyone there added at least a mark or two, It will be coming to future meetings so we can continue with it. I hope everyone gets to participate in the work, and what fun it will be for whoever gets to take it home for keeps.

Not to mention, our next meeting is coming up pretty soon - stay tuned for a few more details. It's hard to believe the new year is almost here, and we will be celebrating our 4th anniversary. What a lot we have done in a mere four years, and 2016 will be amazing for us also.

Enjoy the holidays everyone and stay safe. We look forward to getting together again in the new year.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Happy Holidays!

There were seventeen of us who got together yesterday to enjoy some seasonal cheer and togetherness, with our annual pot luck holiday brunch.

As usual everyone contributed lots of amazing food, and there was no reason for anyone to walk away from the table hungry, and lots of leftovers too. I took mine home and stuck it in the freezer to bring to another holiday pot luck this coming week. 'Tis the season. :-)

We also had a holiday gift exchange this year which we conducted roughly following these rules:

Although the gifts we brought were not "white elephants", but very nice art and pastel related gifts, and you could not really go wrong with any of them, though we had a few laughs as gifts got swapped around as people made their choices.

After the meal and gift exchange we had two projects we could work on. One was this lovely, festive, and delicious-looking still life that Lyn set up for us (and nobody ate while the painters were working). The second project deserves a post of its own, so stay tuned for more details about that in the next day or two.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Holiday Party tomorrow!

What: Annual Holiday brunch and still life
Where: Cultural Center of Ponte Vedra Beach
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015, 10 AM to 1 PM

Your blogger was away for a week at Thanksgiving and time sort of got away from me! Suddenly it's time for our annual holiday party and I have not even blogged yet. Luckily our wonderful co-President, Lyn Asselta, has sent messages to the group, so I'll just cut and paste her fine words:

If you plan to attend, please bring along a small "brunchy" type of snack to share. It's pot-luck, so bring whatever you'd like!

Also, we have a couple of activities planned...

Gift Exchange:  wrap up something you don't need from your can be new or gently used ($5 - $35) and we'll have a gift-exchange during brunch.

Still Life Painting:  Lyn is bringing a still life set-up. If you'd like to paint, bring along a few pastels and some paper, or just bring your sketchbook!  Keep it simple...and enjoy some painting time with the group!

Girault Pastel painting:  Michele Aplin, the rep from Girault pastels, sent us a good-sized box of random pastel pieces.  We'll start a painting, from a photo reference, that we can finish up during the next few meetings and then auction off to help fund some new items for our growing library.

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!

If you're unable to attend, we wish you a joyous holiday season and we'll see you in the new year!! Cheers!!