Thursday, January 30, 2020

Edmund Graecen

What:   General Meeting
Where: Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach
When:  Saturday, Feb.1, 10 AM to 12 noon

Member Renee Faure will be presenting a Powerpoint presentation about her Grandfather’s work. Edmund Graecen, an illustrious painter of the time, documented the devastation of  World War I in his soft-impressionistic style. Renee will share with us details of his life and work. The collection has been on exhibit at the Cummer Museum and Gardens nearly a year and will remain until February 2.

We hope to see you there. And don't forget. February 1st is also the opening date for being able to submit your images for our spring juried show!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Looking ahead - Aline Ordman workshop

We have an exciting spring coming up and one of those events will be a workshop with Aline Ordman, who will also be our judge for our annual juried show.

Aline's workshop will be:
April 25-26
and she will also do a demo on Friday evening:
April 24

Take a look at Aline's work. It's stunning. The workshop will be held at the North Shores Community Center in Vilano Beach.

Price for this great workshop will be:

Members: $375
Non-members: :400

Check our website. There is already a PayPal button up to accept your $100 deposit if you want to reserve a spot in this workshop. A write-up of what you can expect:

Dynamic Pastels
Using Abstract Thinking to Create Illustrative Paintings
Painting is learning to see. Often, we paint what we think we see because we all have preconceived notions of what something looks like. However, to really paint what you see, you must break down everything you are looking at into just abstract shapes. Don’t see a “house”, see a series of interlocking shapes. 
Aline is known for her vivid paintings and creative use of color. Working from their own photo references, students will transform these into pastel or oil paintings using the principles of color and design. Along with daily painting demonstrations, Aline will emphasize the understanding of color in terms of temperature, intensity and value while translating those ideas using pastel or oil techniques. We don’t have to paint green grass just because that’s what is in a picture. Experimenting with exciting different color while maintaining the value and intensity will serve as a great exercise in helping students expand their color sensitivity. Ten stroke exercises are fun to develop confidence in both decision making and interesting strokes. Let’s say goodbye to overworked tight pastels and oils and learn to create loose, bold but still illustrative paintings. Aline gives a lot of personal attention and works to develop the individual style of each student.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Plein Air luck

What a difference a week makes. Last Saturday was raw and rainy, but today the morning weather was about as nice as January can get in northeast Florida, and we were treated to one of of the most fascinating plein air sites we've ever had in our 8-year history. Yup, this month marks our 8th anniversary and this was a great way to start off our 9th year.

We had our plein air at Lion's Gate - an amazing private home in St. Augustine's history Lincolnville neighborhood.

In addition to the home itself it had amazing grounds, some of the contents of which were shown in the previous blog post.

The house was also right alongside the beautiful marshes with many birds along the marshes and flying overhead.

We had a great turnout also, with several new members and guests. Almost everyone spent quite a bit of time just wandering around admiring the amazing grounds and trying to decide what they wanted to paint.

There were no wrong choices, that's for sure.

But eventually folks picked their spots and began to work. Interestingly, despite the amazing house and grounds and statuary, most of our members gravitated towards the lovely marsh views.

But as I said, you couldn't go wrong. I have a soft spot for marshes and that was what I chose myself.

I had to leave a little earlier than normal so folks were all still working when I went around to see what everyone was doing, and to take some photos. My usual caveat is that the works are in various stages of completion, but today most were a little more preliminary than usual. But as you can see, the marsh was the favorite of all those who came. Here are the paintings from the morning that everyone was working on.

If I missed anyone I apologize! But it was a fabulous morning indeed. Later in the afternoon a cloud cover rolled in, and even some rain and sprinkles, so we were lucky that the morning was just right for us. I hope to see you all in February.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Plein Air **** NEW DATE ****

Hi All,
Well sadly the weather forecast has been looking worse and worse rather than improving, so it looks like Saturday the 4th is not going to be a good day for our upcoming plein air.

Fortunately the owner of this lovely place has agreed that next Saturday works for her just as well as this one.

So mark your calendars. The new date for this unique plein air event is:


You should have received info about the location in your email. All that remains the same, just one week later instead.

We hope to see all of you next week>