What: FCPS Holiday Get-Together
When: Saturday, December 2nd,10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Where: Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach
Hello fellow FCPS members!
A reminder that our December Holiday Get-Together is coming up soon!!
This year, we'll follow the same format, with a pot-luck brunch ~ please bring a brunchy snack
of some sort to share. FCPS will provide the coffee and beverages.
Our Past President, Lyn Asselta, will be giving a demo!!
Also, as
we did in January to celebrate our Anniversary, we'd like to do a gift exchange.
To participate, members should bring in One small, 5x7 , FRAMED painting, WRAPPED.
When you get to the meeting, each painting will be assigned a number, and then we will draw numbers from a basket to see whose painting we would go home with. Make sure not to draw the number assigned to your paintingWe have such a wonderful group of artists in the FCPS. The painting exchange was lots of fun when we did it before.
So, bring along a wrapped painting, a small snack to share, and prepare
to enjoy the Demo!
This is always such a fun morning and it's a great way to kick off everyone's
holiday season!
is also the TIME TO RENEW
$30, you get so much! First, you get to hang out on a monthly basis
with some really great people! You also have the opportunity to
participate in shows sponsored by IAPS and other IAPS-related pastel
societies, you get informative meetings with demos and discussions that
cover all sorts of pastel/art related topics. Your membership allows
you to be first-in-line for the top notch workshops
we offer and it also gives you a chance to participate in our annual
Members' Show. Every other month, you'll get the opportunity to plein
air paint at various locations around the Jacksonville/St. Augustine
Wow! That's
a LOT for $30!
Please visit right here to renew your membership:
http:// firstcoastpastelsociety.com There
is a link there to renew online.
If you'd prefer to send a check, please make
the check out to First Coast Pastel Society and send
it to:
Jackie Piontek
Once you've renewed your membership, please help Jackie update our members' directory.
Send her an email and include the following:
Your Name
Mailing Address
eMail address
Looking forward to seeing all of you
on the first Saturday in December!
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!