Sunday, October 6, 2013

Our Chowenwaw plein air day.

The First Coast Pastel Society has certainly been blessed with the weather on the days we have scheduled out plein air paint-outs. Yesterday was no exception. It was a fine October day, with crisp clear air and sunshine. I arrived early but still found some of our members there ahead of me, down checking out the water and the view.

But soon others began to arrive also. Eventually there were ten of us who came for some fellowship and camaraderie with our fellow pastel artists.

Many of us chose set-ups along the banks of Black Creek.

There certainly was plenty of room along the water's edge to spread out and find the viewpoint that most interested you.

Finding shady spots was a good choice too, as even though the fall weather is becoming glorious we are still in Florida, and the sun does get warmer as the morning wears on.

Others chose spots back among the many tall trees that help keep most of the park cool and shady.

Some spots even offered trees and cool shade, and hints of the river beyond as well.

People willing to be more adventurous were able to find a beautiful clear pond as you headed off towards the woods, or perhaps even taking the boardwalk trail down to the tree houses!

At noontime we all stopped after a full morning of painting, and most of us got together for lunch and chat - we all especially wanted to hear about Theri's trip to France to take a workshop with Richard McKinley! Pastel heaven.

Next up will be our November 2nd meeting at the Ponte Vedra Cultural Center. Please stay tuned to this space for more details.


  1. How do join the FCPS? These trips sound wonderful!

  2. You can join right from this blog. There is a link to pay using Paypal if you like, or there is a link to a form you can mail out and print in and send with a check.


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