Monday, April 27, 2015

Juried Member Show - Awards and Reception (Part One)

(photo courtesy of John Cusick)

Friday night was certainly a great occasion for all those who made it to our third annual Juried Member Show awards ceremony and reception. In fact the event was so awesome that one mere blog post just can't do it justice, and so I think I will have to break it up into multiples - maybe three will do it. You'll just have to hold your breath to see the artwork. The artwork will come up in following posts.

Those who were with us last year, and who have attended our meetings, know what a nice gallery space it is at Ponte Vedra, not to mention that they hang the show for us. As anyone who has ever done it knows, hanging the show is just about the hardest part of the whole process, so having it done for us is a big plus!

As in previous years our members really "stepped up to the plate" in providing us with outstanding food for the reception.

There was plenty for all of the large crowd who attended, and a wonderful variety as well.

And some of our members demonstrated that their artistry extends far beyond pastels!

(photo courtesy of John Cusick) 

We had a great turnout of artists, friends, family members.

I heard nothing but praise about the artwork, and about the food as well, :-)

(photo courtesy of John Cusick)

This year there were a few seats available to rest a bit, but I think next time we might try to have even a few more!

There were some there who were also impressed by the beautiful ribbons we had to award, and couldn't wait to see who the winners were - but in addition to the lovely ribbons we had generous prizes of both cash and merchandise. I don't think any of our winners were unhappy with the prizes received.

We have to wait until the next post to actually see the paintings from the show, but here are all the winners.

Congratulations to our winners:

Best of Show:
 ‘Hijinx at the Helm’, by Corinne Samuels

First Place:
 ‘East Point’ by Wendy Devarieux

(Wendy was unable to be with us Friday evening)

Second Place:
 ‘Last Day of Summer’ by Patrick Mahoney

Third Place:
 ‘Just After Dawn’ by Lyn Asselta

Merit Awards:

Nightfall Hunting Island’ by Eve Miller

(Eve was unable to be with us Friday evening)

South Creek’ by Steve Johnson

(Steve was unable to be with us Friday evening)

One Pair, Both Red’ by Rick Petersen

Ximenez-Fatio House’, by Cindy Pierson

People’s Choice Awards:

            ‘Handyman’ by Cindy Pierson

            ‘Kelsey’ by Corinne Samuels

And our founder and current co-President was surprised by the new award the members created in her honor, the Founders Award.

Lyn Asselta Founders Award:
            ‘New Day, New Year’ by Sherri Lewis-Seals

Stay tuned for the next post and you will get to see the wonderful award-winning artwork.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent photos of a fantastic show. Much hard work really on display both in the paintings, the reception, and in the show itself. Thanks to you all.


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