Saturday, July 16, 2016

Our Rental Library

We all need to find new sources of inspiration at times. We can find it from one another, or in painting new subjects, or at different locations. We can find it from workshops. However we also can find it from books or DVDs from noted artists, which is one reason we offer our Rental Library where books or DVDs can be rented for a modest $2 for a 2-month period. Any proceeds will fund new purchases.

But if people don't return their rentals in a timely manner it doesn't help the library grow, or help others who may want to use that resource. Some of our rentals have been floating around out there for quite a while now. Was it so long ago you forgot about it? Now is the time to look around to bring your rentals back for the September meeting, during our amnesty period. After that we will need to implement a new library policy as follows:
The charge for borrowing library materials is $2.00 per item for a period of 2 months.
If no one is waiting materials may be renewed for another 2 month period for an additional $2.00 charge per item. Check out will be limited to the original 2 month period if someone is waiting for a particular title.
Materials must be returned after 4 months of consecutive check out. Failure to return materials after 4 months will result in continuing charges of $2.00 per month until the items are returned.
Failure to return items will result in a replacement charge to cover the cost of repurchase.
Unpaid replacement charges or fines will be added to the cost of membership renewal.
So if you are one of the laggards (and I've been guilty of that in the past!) now is the time to find that material to bring back in the fall. In the meantime feel free to use it to help you have a wonderful productive summer.

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