Thursday, May 9, 2019

Juried show winners

We were lucky with the weather for our annual juried show at Ponte Vedra this year, and it was a wonderful occasion to be handing out awards.

We had a really nice turnout of folks who came to the reception, and of course, as usual, all our food was outstanding. Our members really do a great job in providing wonderful refreshments for our receptions.

We were so fortunate having Kathy Detrano as our judge and juror this year. She did a great job but also provided thoughtful commentary on why she made the selections she did. Thank you Kathy for all your hard work.

So following are all our award winners with Kathy's comments - except for the People's Choice award as that was selected the night of the show.

People's Choice:

Christine Corcoran - Afternoon Meadow

Judges's Choice Award

Carron Wedlund - Mad River Valley Detour

"Interesting compositional arrangement of subtle diagonals, restrained detail that suggests rather than dictates. The pinks, goldish orange and muted dark blue green counterbalance the dominance of green that must have been there in the actual scene."

Signature Member Award (a new category for 2019)

Rick Peterson -  Cattails 4

"This painting is a delightful gift to the eye…a small amount of well-executed detail against calming places for the eye to rest. The eye darts to a bit of detail but then retreats to the quiet, where it is energized to find another place of interesting detail. This painting encourages the viewer to ‘breathe’ and let the soul ‘rest’."

Merit Awards:

Betsey Hogan - Tucked Away

"A landscape with the feel of a mosaic relying heavily on the secondary colors to create a sense of harmony and peacefulness. Interesting layering of pastel with texturing used to create interest and move the eye around the painting…and the yellow sky makes me smile."

Janice Jackson - Sun Jumping

"A cleverly planned and executed use of pastel to portray a mosaic. For those of us who love puzzles, we are held there searching to find the figures hidden in the mosaic design. And the framing becomes part of the portrayal. Note that this painting relies heavily on fully pigmented colors and this that works well in this context."

Keri Keene - Misty Morning Pasture 

"A low horizon landscape…simple palette but the slightly muted background trees is aerial perspective done well; the use of the muted peach color in the sky and in the grass as a counterbalance to the green works very well; the lost and found edges of the fencing are wonderful, and who could not relate to the horse with the same muted peachy nose?"

Janelle Wagoner - Returning

"High horizon composition gives space for the treatment of the sand dune in the foreground. Masterful blues and violet shadows are the star of the show….the greens are subdued and do not try to hog the stage; the sea oats add texture and the distant red roof is a delightful way to bring the eye around the composition, teasing it away from the strong shadows of the foreground."

Third Place:

Paula Pascucci - Woman in Sunlight

"Unusual offset composition that catches attention; a well-executed facial image which is so important, but the use of purple against blue to portray the hair is a brilliant departure from the predictable color."

Second Place:

Renee Faure - Yellow Tree

"Simple high horizon composition, masterful use of texture and color to portray the foreground. The turquoise carries the day, with the violet in the distance as the finishing touch."

First Place:

Helen Anderfuren - Only One

"At first a mysterious landscape full of abstraction and simple suggestion, very well done. It draws you in for a closer look…and then you understand! The title says it all."

Best in Show:

Corinne Samuels - Taking Talmadge

"The unusual composition, the restrained palette and the simple portrayal of figures are the perfect combination for the star of the show….the rain and wind soaked plastic poncho….masterful treatment of light! The white elastic hat band is a nice touch."

Congratulations to all our winners! Next up the remainder of our wonderful show. 

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